

Visual Sonics

Course: Visual Communication II
Instructor: Dan Evans

The goal of this project was to visualize the feeling of a piece of music using abstract gestural marks, photography textures, and typography. The song I chose to interpret was "So Many Details" by Toro Y Moi.


I began the project by listening to the song multiple times. I analyzed each "voice" of the song (synth pads, drums, vocals, electronic beeps, etc.) and distilled their sonic qualities into colors, textures, and patterns by creating marks with paint, charcoal, pen, and other media.

Scan 4.jpeg
Scan 1.jpeg
Scan 7.jpeg


Using my preliminary experiments as building blocks, I created the final photomontages by scanning in my gestural marks and combining them with textural photos and typography to reproduce what I see in my mind's eye when I listen to the song.


The posters were designed to be enjoyed two ways, both as a poster and as a sequential booklet when folded in a certain way. Below you can listen to the track and flip through each poster booklet, page-by-page. Enjoy!